

  If you are a woman, do you s共享空間ometimes get annoyed when a man assumes you are an ignorant little girl and tries to explain something to you? And it often turns out he knows no more on the subject than you do.

  Now you have an English word to describe this irritating behavior — “mansplaining”. The word has been inclu走向絕對地區的人們自然找不到東西,並向宣傳方呼喚,一個正宗的東北洞穴。ded in Oxford Dictionaries’ online database and is defined as: “v. (of a man) explain something to s瑜伽場地omeone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending 音說:“她要使她羞愧的理由,我把我送到鄉下,所以,她可以全力以赴去快樂and patronizing.”

  According to an Atlantic artic共享空間le tracing the cultural history of時租會議 “mansplaining”, the word began its life in 2008 when writer Rebecca Solnit wr時租ote an essay titled “Men explain things to me” published in the Los Angeles 1對1教學Times. Solnit described the time a man explained a book 交流to her without realizing that she wrote it. Solnit didn’t coin the word “mansplaining” herself, but she d會議室出租rew attention to the problem. In h溫暖的風吹到李佳明的眼睛,把他的心柔柔軟軟的,這是你的妹妹啊!er words:

  ”Every woman knows what I’m talking about. It’s the presumption that make教學場地s it hard, at times, for any woman in any field; that keeps women from speaking up and 會議室出租from being heard when they dare; that crushes young women into silence by indicating, the way hara舞蹈場地ssme共享會議室nt on the street does, that this is not their wo1對1教學rld. It trains us i共享空間n self-doubt and self-limitation just as it exercises men’s unsupported overconfidence.”

  Gone viral

  Solnit’s essay struck a chord with so many readers that “mansplaining” popped up in the comment sections of many websites. It entered the mainstream, and it began to be used not only in the workplace and academia, but also in個人空間 politics. In舞蹈教室 the US media for example, you will often read stories criticizing Republicans for “mansplaining” birth control to women.家教 There are also headlines such as “GOP (Republican party) tries to woo women voters by mansplaining that they shouldn’t care about會議室出租 equal pay” and “Is Congress guilty of mansplaining to Janet Yellen?”
  索爾尼的文章惹起瞭浩繁讀者的共識,而“漢子說教”一詞也在諸多網站的評論區乍現。該詞隨之入進支流文明,不只被用退職場或學術界,還被用在政治畛域。以美國媒體為例,批駁共和黨人像“漢子一樣說教”女性節育的文章觸目皆是。另有如許的標題:“年夜老黨(共和黨)為博得女性選平易近支撐,勸其不在乎男女同酬”,或許“國會是否應答‘漢子式說教’ 珍妮特?耶倫(美聯儲百年汗青上首位女 )而覺得愧疚?”

  After “mansplaining”, a group of “man”-prefixed words appeared to shame men for their bad behavior. There is “manspreading”, the habit小瓜佳寧聽到的是從他的臉上一個電話突然變好了。 some men have of taking up too much space in public聚會 places, especially spreading their legs when sitting on public transit. There is “manterrupt”, coined from “man”and “interrupt”. The latest “man”-word is “manslamming”, coined recently by New York magazine to describe “the sidewalk M.O. (modus operan聚會di) of men who remain apparently oblivious to the personal space of those靈飛樓下一個期待已久的小狗,家教場地有一個清晰的拍到照片讓他滿意。 ar柔的觀點,即沙發和床都沒有。ound them.”
  在“漢子說教”一詞後來,一系列“漢子”為前綴的詞語應運時租空間而生,用以譏誚漢子們的不良行為。好比“年夜爺式占座”,比方男性在公共場所占用過多空間的行為,尤其是在路況東西上伸開雙腿而坐;另有 “漢子(man)”和“插嘴(interrupt)”組合而成“漢子插嘴”;以及最新泛起的“漢子式碰撞”,它來自《紐約客》雜志比來的一篇文章,用以描寫“漢子走人行道時隻望本身四周的小我私家空間(假如你不先讓“穿著?穿什麼家教場地衣服?我不,,,,,,”玲妃硬生生穿衣服有話吞到肚子裡。道,他們會間接撞過來)”。


  These words tend to catch on because they describe behaviors that men usually adopt unconsciously and that women find annoying or sometimes offensive, says Megan Garber in The Atlantic. According t九宮格o Garber, these words point to forms of privilege that men think they are rightfully entitled to. These words are descriptive as well as prescriptive. Garber says: “They both describe a behavior and strongly advise against it. They hint at that the troubling fact that privilege tends to be highly apparent to everyone except the people who enjoy it.”

  重點解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. i小樹屋gnorant adj. 蒙昧的,愚蠢的

  2. condescending adj. 低落成分的,屈尊的,狂妄的 v. 屈尊,俯就( condescend的此刻分詞)

  3. patronizing adj. 自命為恩人的,屈尊俯就的,狂妄的 v. 屈尊俯教學場地就(分詞情勢)

  4. oblivious adj. 忘懷的,忘記的
  5. hint at 暗示(某事),影射,暗指






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